属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-又一条落网之鱼 Another one in th
1 | 我在一家旧书店偶然找到这本珍贵的书。 | I stumbled upon the rare book in a second -hand bookstore. | |
2 | 一会儿我就会准备好. | I shall be ready in a second or two (in a few second s). | |
3 | 以新加坡的情况来说,鼓励国人熟练掌握一种第二语文(可以是华文、英文、法文、德文、日文、马来文、淡米尔文等),是十分重要的。 | In Singapore, it is important to emphasise the proficiency in a second language--be it Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese, Malay or Tamil. | |
4 | ||1:不过,“周大福”的真正优势在于其将触角延伸至崛起中的中产阶级的能力。这些中产生活在大城市以外,在购买宝石和黄金上同样不惜千金一掷。(“周大福”以让中国内地人接受更赚钱的24克拉类型而沾沾自喜)。||2:世界黄金协会认为中国已成了黄金珠宝市场增长最快的国家,在规模上仅次于印度。||3:现在更有种新的迹象:面对日益加剧的通货膨胀,中国消费者开始购买黄金保值。 | ||1: The firm’s real strength, however, lies in its ability to reach the rising middle classes who live outside the biggest cities and who are also splashing out to buy gems and gold (CTF can claim credit for getting mainland Chinese to embrace the more lucrative 24-carat variety). ||2: The World Gold Council reckons that China is the world’s fastest-growing market for gold jewellery and the second-biggest after India. ||3: There are now signs that Chinese consumers, confronted with rising inflation, are buying gold as a hedge. | |
5 | ||1:超级碗开始时,就连平时不关注橄榄球的人们也纷纷转台,观看比赛间隙美国广告界独运匠心的作品。||2:今年,克莱斯勒汽车公司的广告让观众津津乐道,特别是广告中向美国及汽车之城底特律的经济复苏致以的崇高敬意。||3:与其称之为广告,倒不如将它归为一部微电影。最后,它以演员克林特伊斯特伍德沙哑磁性的声音结尾:“我们的下半场马上拉开帷幕。” | ||1: EVEN people who don’t normally care much for football tune in to the Super Bowl to watch the best commercials Madison Avenue can dream up. ||2: The most talked about this year was Chrysler’s gritty tribute to the economic revival of America and Detroit. ||3: More short film than commercial, it ends with the actor Clint Eastwood huskily declaring that “Our second half is about to begin.” | |
6 | ||1:更多诸如此类的阻碍仍像噩梦般笼罩在美国经济周围。||2:欧债危机尚未解决。||3:伊朗与西方社会的紧张局势使每加仑汽油价自十二月中旬以来上涨了二十五美分。||4:联邦政府的财政紧缩政策仍是一个威胁:针对本月到期的工资税减免政策,国会再一次陷入僵局。除非国会加以干涉,有关增加税收和削减开支的一系列规定将自行生效。||5:总之,在复苏经济的过程中,正如橄榄球比赛一样,什么也无法担保下半场能比上半场轻松,抑或出现好兆头就意味着胜利。 | ||1: The threat of more such setbacks still hangs over the economy. ||2: Europe’s crisis has not been solved. ||3: The intensifying confrontation between Iran and the west has driven petrol prices up 25 cents per gallon since mid-December. ||4: Federal austerity remains a threat: Congress is once again locked in confrontation over a payroll-tax break that expires at the end of this month and a raft of other tax increases and spending cuts will kick in next year unless it intervenes. ||5: In the economy, as in football, there is no guarantee that the second half will be easier than the first. | |
7 | ||1:其次,联邦法律已逐渐抛弃了“犯罪意图”(“犯罪心理”)这一概念。“犯罪意图”是习惯法的一种传统,意思是一个没有意识到自己犯了罪的人不应被起诉。||2:Silverglate说,在名目繁多的联邦法律之下,没有“犯罪意图”这一概念,大部分人都可能因为这样或者那样的罪名遭到起诉。||3:他说,问题应该在于:当指控与“人类所有的常识及经验背道而驰”时,它们仍是合理的吗? | ||1: Second, federal law has been moving away from mens rea (“guilty mind”), a common-law tradition that suggests that a person who had no idea he was breaking a law should not be accused of doing so. ||2: With bloated federal legislation and without mens rea you can accuse most people of something or other, says Mr Silverglate. ||3: The question should be, he says, whether charges are reasonable when they run “counter to all human instinct and experience”. | |
8 | 第二个障碍物可归结为接踵而来的霉运。在2010年和2011年里,欧洲主权国家的债务危机愈演愈烈,甚至打击了美国对金融市场的信心。去年,阿拉伯之春又把汽油价格推上天,消费者入不敷出。日本大地震和海啸更严重干扰了供应链。 | The second stumbling block has been bad luck. In both 2010 and 2011 Europe’s sovereign debt crisis flared up, damaging confidence in America. Last year the Arab spring sent petrol prices soaring, pinching incomes, while Japan’s earthquake and tsunami disrupted supply chains. | |
9 | 伴随性习得与第二语言词汇学习策略研究 | Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition in a Second Language | |
10 | 本月早些时侯,当爱尔兰投票者在第二次公投时同意签署条约时,卡钦斯基也宣布他决不食言。 | When Irish voters approved the treaty earlier this month in a second referendum, he vowed to keep his word. | |
11 | 不过研究人员再次得到了一个惊喜——苦味化合物能够帮助张开气道,效果比现有的任何哮喘药都好。 | But, in a second surprise, bitter compounds relaxed and opened airways better than any existing asthma drug. | |
12 | 答:您可以将附加信息放到第二个XML文件中。 | Answer: You can put the additional information in a second XML file. | |
13 | 大家保持镇定。我肯定很快就会来电了。 | Everyone, stay calm. I’m sure the power will be back on in a second . | |
14 | 但5年后我再次遭遇坠机时,便把它看成一个信号,说明我应该重新评估自己优先考虑的事情。 | But when, five years later, I was involved in a second crash, I took it as a sign that I should re-evaluate my priorities. | |
15 | 但最近的一项研究表明,聋人阅读者就像是使用第二语言阅读的人。 | But a recent study shows that deaf readers are just like other people learning to read in a second language. | |
16 | 当电压沿第二方向施加时,离子桥消失且可编程电阻器变得基本不导电。 | When a voltage is applied in a second direction, the ion bridge recedes and the programmable resistor becomes essentially non-conductive. | |
17 | 当经济学家杂志拿去出版时,大家期待着他们在第二次选举后执行这项财政紧缩计划。 | As The Economist went to press, they were expected to implement the austerity plan in a second vote. | |
18 | 第二部,研究者收集父亲和孩子睡觉穿的T恤。 | In a second part of the study, the researchers collected T-shirts worn by fathers and their children while sleeping. | |
19 | 第二节点,其是三个或者更多,并且向其设置通过反相第一信号电平而获得的第二信号电平的电压; | second nodes which are three or more and to which a voltage in a second signal level obtained by inverting the first signal level is set; | |
20 | 第二中空部件从所述支撑轴的所述顶端在与所述第一方向相对的第二方向上延伸。 | A second hollow member extends in a second direction opposite to the first direction from the tip end of the support shaft. | |
21 | 对第二语言的熟练可以培养出将自己放到另一种思维角度。 | Fluency in a second language cultivates an ability to put oneself in another point of view. | |
22 | 多行热电元件沿与第一方向垂直的第二方向布置并彼此连接。 | The rows of the thermoelectric elements are arranged in a second direction perpendicular to the first direction and connected to each other. | |
23 | 二代实生与萌芽杉木生长特点分析 | Growth Characteristics Analysis of Seedling and Sprouting Trees in a Second -rotation Chinese fir Plantation | |
24 | 该模式锁定装置适合位于第一极限位置和第二极限位置。 | The mode locking means is adapted to be in a first extreme position and in a second extreme position. | |
25 | 该汽车厂商计划投资50亿元在位于西安的第二个工厂的综合设施上,第二个工厂的产量将与第一个相同。 | The carmaker planned to invest 5 billion yuan ($735 million) in a second factory complex in Xi’an with the same capacity. | |
26 | 该系统能够识别在一种语言中某个词或短语在另一种语言中与哪一个词是最接近的。 | The system identifies which word or phrase in one language is the most likely equivalent in a second language. | |
27 | 该组基片还可以同时进行第二角运动。 | The array of substrates may also be concurrently moved in a second rotational motion. | |
28 | 更糟糕的是,法国可能会发现自己沦为与意大利和西班牙同级的欧洲二流经济体。 | Worse, France might find itself left behind in a second division of European economies rubbing along with Italy and Spain. | |
29 | 公司同时正在做二期规划,进一步扩大生产能力,提供更多的就业岗位。 | The company also plans to expand its capacities in a second phase, also creating more jobs. | |
30 | 官方称在一个雪洞内发现了睡袋、冰镐、绳索,在就近的第二个雪洞内发现了尸体。 | The body was found in a second snow cave near another such cave where rescuers found a sleeping bag, ice axes and rope, officials said. |